I'm Looking to become a dental assistant what is the best school or program in chicago, i keep hearing mixed?
things about everest college and illinois school of healthcare careers, which is the better school or is there a even better way to go, i want to be able to sit to become nationally certified upon completion of my program, what do i do?
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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Proprietary for-profit technical schools generally are pretty good, but they usually are much more expensive than the closest community college that has the same or similar program. Believe me, you do not want to come out of school with lots of debt if you can avoid it. Why don't you look at the Dental Assistant/Dental Hygienist program at: City Colleges of Chicago: Kennedy-King College Admission Office 6800 South Wentworth Avenue Chicago, IL 60621 (773) 602-5273 Fax: (773) 602-5247 Contact: Marlene Sparrow-Oloko Registrar the web address is: www.ccc.edu
Friday, March 18, 2011
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Does anyone go to prosser career academy high school?
Does anyone go to prosser career academy high school?
Does anyone go to Prosser Career Academy High School in Chicago Illinois? I would like to kno when are we suppose to go for orientation?
Primary & Secondary Education - 1 Answers
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Did he died?
Does anyone go to Prosser Career Academy High School in Chicago Illinois? I would like to kno when are we suppose to go for orientation?
Primary & Secondary Education - 1 Answers
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Did he died?
Monday, March 14, 2011
I live in Illinois, Chicago area. The kindergarten here is only half day,2.5,hours.?
I live in Illinois, Chicago area. The kindergarten here is only half day,2.5,hours.?
I am wondering if it is just my district or if all Illinois schools are half day kindergarten. What a shame if it is. We moved here from a southern state and it is a full school day as it should be.
Primary & Secondary Education - 1 Answers
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I have been in 3 different IL school districts. All have half day kindergarten. "as it should be" hmmm. I think some children do better with a year of half day school to transition them into school life.
I am wondering if it is just my district or if all Illinois schools are half day kindergarten. What a shame if it is. We moved here from a southern state and it is a full school day as it should be.
Primary & Secondary Education - 1 Answers
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I have been in 3 different IL school districts. All have half day kindergarten. "as it should be" hmmm. I think some children do better with a year of half day school to transition them into school life.
Saturday, March 12, 2011
I messed up my last quarter of high school!! Will i get denied from the University of Illinois at Chicago?!?
I messed up my last quarter of high school!! Will i get denied from the University of Illinois at Chicago?!?
I had three classes this last quarter...AP Biology, Physics, and AP English. This last quarter i messed up and i got a D in AP Biology, a Pass in physics (i took it pass/fail, and a D in AP English will the University of Illinois at Chicago deny me?? I was admitted into the Applied Health Sciences school. Is there anything i can do??? FYI, I'm taking summer school at a community college to get ahead. I just finished my Anthropology class and i believe i got an A. Now i am taking English 102 (because i was granted credit for english 101 because of my ACT) and Psychology 101. I plan to do well in these as well. So basically i just messed up in my AP English and Bio class. English doesnt matter because i'll be done with it for the rest of my life once i'm done with it this summer. However do they look at it the same way?? How can i prove to them that i am doing well in these college classes and that i am going above and beyond most kids in the summer and doing a total of 12 credit hour After my psych and english class finish i'm also taking a history class. By then it will be fall and hopefully time for UIC????
Higher Education (University +) - 3 Answers
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from what I know colleges only recieve your gpa of your junior year, when i was in high school i had to go to the college room to select which colleges should get my transcript and my transcript that my counselor was holding only read my classes and grades that i took my junior year! I heard it was because they feal that was the year you were in your comfort zone in school. as a freshman your just adapting and could mess up senior year there is to much stress and could easily mess up and sophmore maybe they still think we are adapting, but dont worry as long as your gpa is high and AP you'll get in, check the college site and look for the catalogue click on admissions for incoming freshman requirements it will tell you what you need to get in good luck!
If you were already admitted, you should be fine, as long as you were not a conditional acceptance. Go, find that admission letter, and read the fine print. For UIC, you should be okay. What I am a little concerned about is your choice of college and the classes you did poorly in. I am assuming that the course of study in Applied Health Science will involve Biology and Physics, and at the very least, a couple English or Communications courses to learn how to effectively communicate with patients or clients. You should get your AP exam grades back in a while (they should be graded in June), and from these, you can decide if you did poorly in the class because you were unmotivated to study, or if you did not understand the material. Either way, it does not bode well for your academic success at University. As for your erroneous comment that "English doesnt [sic] matter [,] because i'll [sic] be done with it for the rest of my life", you may want to examine the spelling and grammar errors contained in just this one sentence. PLUS, the University of Illinois has two Composition requirements... Comp I could be satisfied with a grade of 4 or 5 on the AP English test, and Comp II will be an intensive writing class in the field of your major. The University of Illinois wants to make sure that the English major's math skills are on par with the Engineers, so the reverse is true... the Engineers need to have English skills on par with the English majors. We call that "being well-rounded". This holds true for all three campuses. You mentioned that you are taking English 102 at your community college, having tested out of English 101. Being a former community college worker, I hate to burst your bubble, but that's not much of a feat. English 101 and Math 101 tend to be remedial classes that anyone with a High School Diploma should place out of. It's really nothing special. I doubt that it will transfer directly to UIC, where Engl 102 is a film class. From UIC's website, you need to meet the University Writing Requirement, defined as follows: "Students must demonstrate proficiency in written English by earning passing grades in English 160 and English 161, or by achieving proficiency in one or both of these courses certified in writing by the Department of English. The Department of English reserves the right to require a student to take a preparatory course as a prerequisite for English 160 if the student’s score on the Writing Placement Test reveals the need for such a course. Whenever questions arrive with regard to the fulfillment of the University Writing requirement through transfer courses, a writing portfolio, or standard examinations, the Department of English will determine whether to grant the student an exemption from the requirement. Students should consult their college section of the catalog for more information on fulfilling the University Writing requirement as part of their degree program"
do a stellar job your senior year. the most important year/ you just go to www.uic.edu to see their new freshman admission requirements .
I had three classes this last quarter...AP Biology, Physics, and AP English. This last quarter i messed up and i got a D in AP Biology, a Pass in physics (i took it pass/fail, and a D in AP English will the University of Illinois at Chicago deny me?? I was admitted into the Applied Health Sciences school. Is there anything i can do??? FYI, I'm taking summer school at a community college to get ahead. I just finished my Anthropology class and i believe i got an A. Now i am taking English 102 (because i was granted credit for english 101 because of my ACT) and Psychology 101. I plan to do well in these as well. So basically i just messed up in my AP English and Bio class. English doesnt matter because i'll be done with it for the rest of my life once i'm done with it this summer. However do they look at it the same way?? How can i prove to them that i am doing well in these college classes and that i am going above and beyond most kids in the summer and doing a total of 12 credit hour After my psych and english class finish i'm also taking a history class. By then it will be fall and hopefully time for UIC????
Higher Education (University +) - 3 Answers
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from what I know colleges only recieve your gpa of your junior year, when i was in high school i had to go to the college room to select which colleges should get my transcript and my transcript that my counselor was holding only read my classes and grades that i took my junior year! I heard it was because they feal that was the year you were in your comfort zone in school. as a freshman your just adapting and could mess up senior year there is to much stress and could easily mess up and sophmore maybe they still think we are adapting, but dont worry as long as your gpa is high and AP you'll get in, check the college site and look for the catalogue click on admissions for incoming freshman requirements it will tell you what you need to get in good luck!
If you were already admitted, you should be fine, as long as you were not a conditional acceptance. Go, find that admission letter, and read the fine print. For UIC, you should be okay. What I am a little concerned about is your choice of college and the classes you did poorly in. I am assuming that the course of study in Applied Health Science will involve Biology and Physics, and at the very least, a couple English or Communications courses to learn how to effectively communicate with patients or clients. You should get your AP exam grades back in a while (they should be graded in June), and from these, you can decide if you did poorly in the class because you were unmotivated to study, or if you did not understand the material. Either way, it does not bode well for your academic success at University. As for your erroneous comment that "English doesnt [sic] matter [,] because i'll [sic] be done with it for the rest of my life", you may want to examine the spelling and grammar errors contained in just this one sentence. PLUS, the University of Illinois has two Composition requirements... Comp I could be satisfied with a grade of 4 or 5 on the AP English test, and Comp II will be an intensive writing class in the field of your major. The University of Illinois wants to make sure that the English major's math skills are on par with the Engineers, so the reverse is true... the Engineers need to have English skills on par with the English majors. We call that "being well-rounded". This holds true for all three campuses. You mentioned that you are taking English 102 at your community college, having tested out of English 101. Being a former community college worker, I hate to burst your bubble, but that's not much of a feat. English 101 and Math 101 tend to be remedial classes that anyone with a High School Diploma should place out of. It's really nothing special. I doubt that it will transfer directly to UIC, where Engl 102 is a film class. From UIC's website, you need to meet the University Writing Requirement, defined as follows: "Students must demonstrate proficiency in written English by earning passing grades in English 160 and English 161, or by achieving proficiency in one or both of these courses certified in writing by the Department of English. The Department of English reserves the right to require a student to take a preparatory course as a prerequisite for English 160 if the student’s score on the Writing Placement Test reveals the need for such a course. Whenever questions arrive with regard to the fulfillment of the University Writing requirement through transfer courses, a writing portfolio, or standard examinations, the Department of English will determine whether to grant the student an exemption from the requirement. Students should consult their college section of the catalog for more information on fulfilling the University Writing requirement as part of their degree program"
do a stellar job your senior year. the most important year/ you just go to www.uic.edu to see their new freshman admission requirements .
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Where can I find free GED schooling in Chicago Illinois?
Where can I find free GED schooling in Chicago Illinois?
Primary & Secondary Education - 1 Answers
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Go here to get a GED online for free: http://www.gedforfree.com/
Primary & Secondary Education - 1 Answers
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Go here to get a GED online for free: http://www.gedforfree.com/
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Which Chicago school for Physics/Engineering?
Which Chicago school for Physics/Engineering?
I have filled out my intent to enroll for the University of Illinois @ Chicago already but I would like some opinions. I have been accepted to UIC, Loyola, and DePaul for Physics and Roosevelt for Mathematics. I'd like for you to list and rank the 3 schools I have been accepted to for their Physics Programs. I also have Engineering in the back of my mind and was considering applying to the Engineering department in the future so you could list/rank the schools with respect to that as well, if you'd like. Thanks in advance, -Rich L.
Higher Education (University +) - 3 Answers
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The University of Chicago is one of the best schools for physics in the country.
U of chicago and U of illinois in chicago are 2 very different schools go to for undergrad engineering http://colleges.usnews.rankingsandreviews.com/usnews/edu/college/rankings/rankengineering_brief.php here is for grad school rankings by each field http://grad-schools.usnews.rankingsandreviews.com/usnews/edu/grad/rankings/rankindex_brief.php
I have filled out my intent to enroll for the University of Illinois @ Chicago already but I would like some opinions. I have been accepted to UIC, Loyola, and DePaul for Physics and Roosevelt for Mathematics. I'd like for you to list and rank the 3 schools I have been accepted to for their Physics Programs. I also have Engineering in the back of my mind and was considering applying to the Engineering department in the future so you could list/rank the schools with respect to that as well, if you'd like. Thanks in advance, -Rich L.
Higher Education (University +) - 3 Answers
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The University of Chicago is one of the best schools for physics in the country.
U of chicago and U of illinois in chicago are 2 very different schools go to for undergrad engineering http://colleges.usnews.rankingsandreviews.com/usnews/edu/college/rankings/rankengineering_brief.php here is for grad school rankings by each field http://grad-schools.usnews.rankingsandreviews.com/usnews/edu/grad/rankings/rankindex_brief.php
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Where are the school districts in Illinois that offer full day kindergarten?
Where are the school districts in Illinois that offer full day kindergarten?
I am a teacher certified K-9 with middle school endorsements. I have been teaching now for 4 years. I taught full day kindergarten for a year and now am in a district that only offers half day. I have been there for 3 years and would like to make a change and get back to full day kindergarten. What districts offer full day in Illinois? More specifically, near chicago(within an hour of it)
Primary & Secondary Education - 1 Answers
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Here are some: Medinah School District 11 (DuPage) Pennoyer School Norridge IL Bensenville School District #2 East Prairie School #73 Skokie IL You can find lots more schools by entering into Google Maps: full day Kindergarten school districts near Chicago [Or enter the above on Google, and then click on “Maps†on the Google Toolbar] You might also check out the Illinois Education Job Bank. http://www.illinoiseducationjobbank.org/pages/view.aspx Good luck to you.
I am a teacher certified K-9 with middle school endorsements. I have been teaching now for 4 years. I taught full day kindergarten for a year and now am in a district that only offers half day. I have been there for 3 years and would like to make a change and get back to full day kindergarten. What districts offer full day in Illinois? More specifically, near chicago(within an hour of it)
Primary & Secondary Education - 1 Answers
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Here are some: Medinah School District 11 (DuPage) Pennoyer School Norridge IL Bensenville School District #2 East Prairie School #73 Skokie IL You can find lots more schools by entering into Google Maps: full day Kindergarten school districts near Chicago [Or enter the above on Google, and then click on “Maps†on the Google Toolbar] You might also check out the Illinois Education Job Bank. http://www.illinoiseducationjobbank.org/pages/view.aspx Good luck to you.
Friday, March 4, 2011
Looking for a good Graduate School in Illinois?
Looking for a good Graduate School in Illinois?
Well i live in Tampa and I'm a major in Psychology. When I graduate with my bachelors I would like to go to Illinois, specific Chicago. I would like to know if anyone knows of any schools with a good Graduate program in Psychology. Thank you
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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University of Chicago ranks pretty well for Ph.D. programs in Psychology (20? or maybe it's in the teens). University of Illinois at Chicago ranks lower (50,60-ish) But, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign ranks really high (it's at least in the top 10, if not top 5).
Well i live in Tampa and I'm a major in Psychology. When I graduate with my bachelors I would like to go to Illinois, specific Chicago. I would like to know if anyone knows of any schools with a good Graduate program in Psychology. Thank you
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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University of Chicago ranks pretty well for Ph.D. programs in Psychology (20? or maybe it's in the teens). University of Illinois at Chicago ranks lower (50,60-ish) But, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign ranks really high (it's at least in the top 10, if not top 5).
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
What school in the northern illinois can i get an english major?
What school in the northern illinois can i get an english major?
I live in the northern suburbs of chicago. Im trying to stay up north by where I live instead of going to Chicago for school. Also work complicates things, because it would be too far. anybody have any suggestions on where can i get an English major.
Other - Education - 1 Answers
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Almost every school in the US offers an English major
I live in the northern suburbs of chicago. Im trying to stay up north by where I live instead of going to Chicago for school. Also work complicates things, because it would be too far. anybody have any suggestions on where can i get an English major.
Other - Education - 1 Answers
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Almost every school in the US offers an English major
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