I am thinking about Homeschooling my sons in Chicago, Illinois. What do I do?
My sons are 13 and 15. One is already a Freshman in High School the other is on his way. I live on the Northwest Side of Chicago and I want to know if there are any Homeschool groups in our area.
Home Schooling - 7 Answers
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Illinois is a great state in which to home school. The laws are fairly easy with which to comply. That frees you up to focus energy on helping the boys. There are some great home school support groups out your way, too. I used to live in Downer's Grove. To get a good idea of the general home school laws, get links on how to start, and even possibly find some loval support groups, you can start with one site. www.hslda.org You do not need to join them to get information from them to help you start.
Well, you should also consider what they want to do. Homeschooling can be very lonely, despite what groups you get involved with, it just isn't the same as you might think. It's slightly complicated to understand if you have never experienced it, but people seem to treat you differently once they find out you homeschool. =/ So I say you discuss this with them before your mind is made up. Although some children are less social, maybe it is good for them and they won't mind. I have no idea, that is your choice. I am just dropping by to say, it isn't as fun as it seems/looks. It becomes progressively difficult as the years go by. I wouldn't particularly advise such a thing for a 13 year old, that is when I personally switched from real school to homeschool. I miss the difference, and I notice I have less of a social outter life than I am used to. I would say you never actually adjust, but for a 15 year old, it is only a few years. I would say that is enough freedom to explore other area's for himself by himself. Isolation can be a great thing, but also a very lonely experience.
hey yea there are some home school programs ..like in Lansing ,Illinois there's the American School of Correspondence which is accredited .....http://americanschoolofcorr.com.....go there to get more info......its only 16 or 18 credits .....and really worth it...got any questions feel free to IM me
You are so lucky to live in Chicago! IL has virtually no homeschool regulation, tons of programs and projects and plenty of other families that homeschool. You have so many resources for yourself and your children that the most difficult thing you will have to do is decide which ones you won't use. Congratulations!
I'm in downstate IL. The Chicago school district has a virtual academy for K-10 (they may have more grades this fall): http://www.k12.com/cvcs/ There are some great HS'ing groups on Yahoo Groups for IL HS'ers. This one is my favorite. It has TONS of HS'ers in Chicagoland: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/homeschool-Illinois/ Here is a great place to start when HS'ing in IL: http://www.illinoishouse.org/
There are dozens upon dozens of homeschoolers in that area. Goodness. Just search this list for some near you. http://www.home-school.com/groups/IL.html
phone ur local education department and they will help u.
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Thursday, April 28, 2011
where can i learn to bullfight? i live in chicago..any bullfighting schools around chicago? or in Illinois?
where can i learn to bullfight? i live in chicago..any bullfighting schools around chicago? or in Illinois?
i know its illegal in the united states but u can at least learn how to do it any schools? what are their names?
Chicago - 2 Answers
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Funny. If you look up bullfighting schools, you'll find a lot in Spain. Try Texas or California. Brush up on your Spanish because el toro doesn't speak English.
i know its illegal in the united states but u can at least learn how to do it any schools? what are their names?
Chicago - 2 Answers
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Funny. If you look up bullfighting schools, you'll find a lot in Spain. Try Texas or California. Brush up on your Spanish because el toro doesn't speak English.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
chicago,illinois alternative schools?
chicago,illinois alternative schools?
Special Education - 2 Answers
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I'm from chicago, but i dont get your question
Walk into any Whole Foods store and ask around.
Special Education - 2 Answers
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I'm from chicago, but i dont get your question
Walk into any Whole Foods store and ask around.
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Illinois online drivers education for teens?
Illinois online drivers education for teens?
I was looking to take drivers education now that I'm 15. The problem is that my school only offers it to juniors and seniors. And other private driving schools in Chicago Illinois are so expensive they are like $300-$350 bucks for the four week course. Instead I thought I could take drivers ed online and get my permit. It seems to be much cheaper. Could I do this?
Insurance & Registration - 2 Answers
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No. The state requires a behind the wheel part of the class.
I was looking to take drivers education now that I'm 15. The problem is that my school only offers it to juniors and seniors. And other private driving schools in Chicago Illinois are so expensive they are like $300-$350 bucks for the four week course. Instead I thought I could take drivers ed online and get my permit. It seems to be much cheaper. Could I do this?
Insurance & Registration - 2 Answers
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No. The state requires a behind the wheel part of the class.
Friday, April 22, 2011
Non Illinois Resident Question about Gun Ownership in Chicago?
Non Illinois Resident Question about Gun Ownership in Chicago?
I am a Texas resident that lives in Chicago for School. I want to know what options I have to purchase a gun here, or whether I can bring a gun from back home here. I am not willing to change my residency to Illinois just to get the FOID as I want to keep my Texas residency. What, if any, options do I have? Thanks I do not live on campus and am not concerned with concealed carry. Thanks
Law & Ethics - 3 Answers
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Keep in mind that many states have laws about carrying even licensed firearms on school grounds, including dorms.
http://www.isp.state.il.us/docs/1-154.pdf According to the Illinois State website you should be fine as long as you have a permit and transport it according to their laws. I would still recommend checking with the state or the NRA for your options.
Your options are to get a Concealed Weapons License. The Supreme Court recently ruled that anyone can own a gun anywhere in the US. So even though Chicago has that ordinance it is not enforceable so no trouble there. Check with the state law and see if they honor the license from another state(texas). I
I am a Texas resident that lives in Chicago for School. I want to know what options I have to purchase a gun here, or whether I can bring a gun from back home here. I am not willing to change my residency to Illinois just to get the FOID as I want to keep my Texas residency. What, if any, options do I have? Thanks I do not live on campus and am not concerned with concealed carry. Thanks
Law & Ethics - 3 Answers
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Keep in mind that many states have laws about carrying even licensed firearms on school grounds, including dorms.
http://www.isp.state.il.us/docs/1-154.pdf According to the Illinois State website you should be fine as long as you have a permit and transport it according to their laws. I would still recommend checking with the state or the NRA for your options.
Your options are to get a Concealed Weapons License. The Supreme Court recently ruled that anyone can own a gun anywhere in the US. So even though Chicago has that ordinance it is not enforceable so no trouble there. Check with the state law and see if they honor the license from another state(texas). I
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
work full time in Illinois, but I want to be a aircraft pliot. What are the best flight schools in Chicago an?
work full time in Illinois, but I want to be a aircraft pliot. What are the best flight schools in Chicago an?
I work full time in Illinois, but I want to be a aircraft pliot. What are the best flight schools in Chicago and at what age should you really NOT be thinking of taking up being a commercial pilot??
Aircraft - 7 Answers
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as i know there is none. for me training in the Navy is still the best.
The AOPA (Aircraft Owners and Pilots Assn) website shows five pilot training schools in the Chicago area, with two at Midway airport and three at Lansing Municipal. Associated Air in Lansing, IL is a Cessna Pilot center offering a full range of pilot training courses... As far as age goes... Scheduled Airline (FAR Part 121) pilots must retire on their 60th birthday, but you can continue to fly as a commercial pilot in charter and corporate operations (Part 135 and Part 91) as long as you can pass your flight physical. One famous air show pilot, Bob Hoover, is well into his 80's and still flying demonstration flights at air shows around the country.
In Malaysia, they converted flight engineers to pilots, but said if they were past 45 they're to old. I used to fly in a place called Cushing Field, run by an ex TWA pilot, Bud Cushing, and his wife. The field is somewhere between Aurora and DuPage. Pretty good, nice little field and very good rental rates, not to mention friendly instructors.
If you are going to get your Private, get the he** away from Chi ATC does not like you playing in "their" airspace.
I wouldn't learn how to fly in or near Chicago Center air traffic control. It's kind of hard giving a 172 instructions when ya got 3 777s coming at you from different directions, LOL. I would go out south and learn there. Plus, with learning at Midway or Palwaukee for that matter, it can be more expensive. A lot of flight schools will take ya up for an intro ride for about $60 to let you see how it is. I myself went to the flight school at Palwaukee Flyers and it cost me a total of $5,500. I never considered becoming an airline pilot (look at all those furloughed after 9/11), but I wanted my private pilot license for other purposes. After 5 years of having my license, I now happily own a Beech Baron and a Cessna 172. I fly everywhere I go over 80 miles. Works for everybody, my kids love it and my wife loves having not to take commercial airplanes.
I like your dreams, But first you need to learn how to spell Pilot. Or at least hit the spell check on the top of the page.
I work full time in Illinois, but I want to be a aircraft pliot. What are the best flight schools in Chicago and at what age should you really NOT be thinking of taking up being a commercial pilot??
Aircraft - 7 Answers
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as i know there is none. for me training in the Navy is still the best.
The AOPA (Aircraft Owners and Pilots Assn) website shows five pilot training schools in the Chicago area, with two at Midway airport and three at Lansing Municipal. Associated Air in Lansing, IL is a Cessna Pilot center offering a full range of pilot training courses... As far as age goes... Scheduled Airline (FAR Part 121) pilots must retire on their 60th birthday, but you can continue to fly as a commercial pilot in charter and corporate operations (Part 135 and Part 91) as long as you can pass your flight physical. One famous air show pilot, Bob Hoover, is well into his 80's and still flying demonstration flights at air shows around the country.
In Malaysia, they converted flight engineers to pilots, but said if they were past 45 they're to old. I used to fly in a place called Cushing Field, run by an ex TWA pilot, Bud Cushing, and his wife. The field is somewhere between Aurora and DuPage. Pretty good, nice little field and very good rental rates, not to mention friendly instructors.
If you are going to get your Private, get the he** away from Chi ATC does not like you playing in "their" airspace.
I wouldn't learn how to fly in or near Chicago Center air traffic control. It's kind of hard giving a 172 instructions when ya got 3 777s coming at you from different directions, LOL. I would go out south and learn there. Plus, with learning at Midway or Palwaukee for that matter, it can be more expensive. A lot of flight schools will take ya up for an intro ride for about $60 to let you see how it is. I myself went to the flight school at Palwaukee Flyers and it cost me a total of $5,500. I never considered becoming an airline pilot (look at all those furloughed after 9/11), but I wanted my private pilot license for other purposes. After 5 years of having my license, I now happily own a Beech Baron and a Cessna 172. I fly everywhere I go over 80 miles. Works for everybody, my kids love it and my wife loves having not to take commercial airplanes.
I like your dreams, But first you need to learn how to spell Pilot. Or at least hit the spell check on the top of the page.
Monday, April 18, 2011
What age can you get your lip pierced in Chicago Illinois?
What age can you get your lip pierced in Chicago Illinois?
I am 14 years old. I was hoping to get my lip pierced but some places told me you have to be 16. Other places don't care. Oh and starting at the end of August, I won't be able to wear a lip ring in school. Will the hole close, any safe retainers I can buy and where?
Fashion & Accessories - 1 Answers
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yea- chicago represent:-) you might need a parent permission slip to get it pierced- but you can buy lip retainers at piercing pagoda in the mall-and the whole may close put maybe not all the way.good luck!
I am 14 years old. I was hoping to get my lip pierced but some places told me you have to be 16. Other places don't care. Oh and starting at the end of August, I won't be able to wear a lip ring in school. Will the hole close, any safe retainers I can buy and where?
Fashion & Accessories - 1 Answers
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yea- chicago represent:-) you might need a parent permission slip to get it pierced- but you can buy lip retainers at piercing pagoda in the mall-and the whole may close put maybe not all the way.good luck!
Saturday, April 16, 2011
I need a pediatric dentist in Chicago Illinois that accepts medicaid?
I need a pediatric dentist in Chicago Illinois that accepts medicaid?
I need to make sure this office is a pediatric office not just a regular dentist my sons are 3 and 6 and the regular dentist could not handle them they are scared and have cavities that need to be filled. I have not had any luck on finding one that has late office hours not during school and one that is good at what they do and not just a flashy office.They do have to accept medicaid and be in chicago or close suburbs. Thanks
Parenting - 2 Answers
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Contact your local Children's Hospital. Most of them have a pediatric dental unit that also take Medicaid. You'll probably have to also pull your child out of school for the appointment since most dentist offices are open during the day. Evening and weekend appointments are generally for emergencies only.
check out this website i think it mite be helpful www.zocdoc.com
I need to make sure this office is a pediatric office not just a regular dentist my sons are 3 and 6 and the regular dentist could not handle them they are scared and have cavities that need to be filled. I have not had any luck on finding one that has late office hours not during school and one that is good at what they do and not just a flashy office.They do have to accept medicaid and be in chicago or close suburbs. Thanks
Parenting - 2 Answers
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Contact your local Children's Hospital. Most of them have a pediatric dental unit that also take Medicaid. You'll probably have to also pull your child out of school for the appointment since most dentist offices are open during the day. Evening and weekend appointments are generally for emergencies only.
check out this website i think it mite be helpful www.zocdoc.com
Thursday, April 14, 2011
what is the best culinary school in Chicago?
what is the best culinary school in Chicago?
i was looking for some insight from culinary students about the different programs around Chicago like Kendall, CHIC, Illinois Institute of Art.. whatever else is out there that i may not have heard of. what are the pros and cons of each.. which is best for learning to be a chef.
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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Along with Kendall, you should check out the below culinary schools in Chicago: Le Cordon Bleu Art Institute of Chicago
i was looking for some insight from culinary students about the different programs around Chicago like Kendall, CHIC, Illinois Institute of Art.. whatever else is out there that i may not have heard of. what are the pros and cons of each.. which is best for learning to be a chef.
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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Along with Kendall, you should check out the below culinary schools in Chicago: Le Cordon Bleu Art Institute of Chicago
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Where can I get my GED in Chicago Illinois?
Where can I get my GED in Chicago Illinois?
I will like to know were can I get my GED in Chicago Illinois without beign so hard, I just quit today from LCA. I'm 16. Or what's the easy way to get to collage without going to high school. I could go back to high school, but I don't want to. Please help. Thank you
Other - Education - 1 Answers
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Check your local community college. Ours offers GED tests at the cost of about $20 per test (I think there are about 5-6 tests). There may be programs that pay those costs for low income students, so you might want to ask about that if you think you might qualify . Talk to an advisor at the college and see what you need, aside from a GED, to enroll in college. Best of luck to you!
I actually dropped out at the begining of the school year. I was told that i didn't need my GED to get into a tech school but you should get it anyway. If you want to get into a university or something, you need you're GED, plus you have to do the SAT's. I got my GED at my high school. They offered a special class where someone was there to help you prepare for the GED testing. Try going to you're high school and asking what you should do to prepare for the GED test and ask them if there is someone there that can help you. The best way to prepare is to have someone there to help you. I know that if i didn't have my aid, i wouldn't have passed. I don't think i could have studied the books that most people get. For me, there were 5 tests total. Science. Social Studies. Mathmatics. Language arts. And a writing part where i had to write an essay. Each was $20. I'm not gonna tell you if it's hard or not because my aid told me to never tell a GED testee that it's easy or hard because it's different for everyone. She also told me that 3 out of 5 high school students can't pass the GED test. Don't worry though, to me, it was fairly easy :) Good Luck! Just keep in mind that since you dropped out of high school, you need you're GED. You're going to need a job to at least help get you into college and you'll need a GED to get a job.
I will like to know were can I get my GED in Chicago Illinois without beign so hard, I just quit today from LCA. I'm 16. Or what's the easy way to get to collage without going to high school. I could go back to high school, but I don't want to. Please help. Thank you
Other - Education - 1 Answers
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Check your local community college. Ours offers GED tests at the cost of about $20 per test (I think there are about 5-6 tests). There may be programs that pay those costs for low income students, so you might want to ask about that if you think you might qualify . Talk to an advisor at the college and see what you need, aside from a GED, to enroll in college. Best of luck to you!
I actually dropped out at the begining of the school year. I was told that i didn't need my GED to get into a tech school but you should get it anyway. If you want to get into a university or something, you need you're GED, plus you have to do the SAT's. I got my GED at my high school. They offered a special class where someone was there to help you prepare for the GED testing. Try going to you're high school and asking what you should do to prepare for the GED test and ask them if there is someone there that can help you. The best way to prepare is to have someone there to help you. I know that if i didn't have my aid, i wouldn't have passed. I don't think i could have studied the books that most people get. For me, there were 5 tests total. Science. Social Studies. Mathmatics. Language arts. And a writing part where i had to write an essay. Each was $20. I'm not gonna tell you if it's hard or not because my aid told me to never tell a GED testee that it's easy or hard because it's different for everyone. She also told me that 3 out of 5 high school students can't pass the GED test. Don't worry though, to me, it was fairly easy :) Good Luck! Just keep in mind that since you dropped out of high school, you need you're GED. You're going to need a job to at least help get you into college and you'll need a GED to get a job.
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Does anyone know a good trait school or regular mechanic school in chicago il?
Does anyone know a good trait school or regular mechanic school in chicago il?
It doesnt have to be in chicago but in illinois thanks for your help
Other - Education - 1 Answers
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First of all you are looking for a 'trade school'. do you want carpentry, or electronics, or computer, or medical or legal, or hair dressing, or office work? Some school can handle all, but most have a specialty. So you need to narrow down what you are looking for. Look in the yellow pages of a phone book under trade schools, or put Trade School in Illinois in your search engine and see what comes up.
It doesnt have to be in chicago but in illinois thanks for your help
Other - Education - 1 Answers
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First of all you are looking for a 'trade school'. do you want carpentry, or electronics, or computer, or medical or legal, or hair dressing, or office work? Some school can handle all, but most have a specialty. So you need to narrow down what you are looking for. Look in the yellow pages of a phone book under trade schools, or put Trade School in Illinois in your search engine and see what comes up.
Friday, April 8, 2011
how is the school district 206 in Illinois?
how is the school district 206 in Illinois?
Im thinking about moving to Chicago Height Illinois And am wondering about the school district #206 for the high school and 170 for the grammer schools.
Other - Education - 2 Answers
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Bloom township, oops here is what your looking for
http://www.bloomdistrict206.org/ Bloom Township's mission is to provide students with relevant educational experiences that assist in their attainment of competency in all academic areas and the ability to apply these skills to real life endeavors. While working within the multicultural school/community environment, we strive to empower individuals-personally and socially-to achieve their maximum potential using higher order thinking skills that prepare them for the constantly changing challenges of our global society.
Im thinking about moving to Chicago Height Illinois And am wondering about the school district #206 for the high school and 170 for the grammer schools.
Other - Education - 2 Answers
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Bloom township, oops here is what your looking for
http://www.bloomdistrict206.org/ Bloom Township's mission is to provide students with relevant educational experiences that assist in their attainment of competency in all academic areas and the ability to apply these skills to real life endeavors. While working within the multicultural school/community environment, we strive to empower individuals-personally and socially-to achieve their maximum potential using higher order thinking skills that prepare them for the constantly changing challenges of our global society.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Will I get into University of Illinois at Chicago?
Will I get into University of Illinois at Chicago?
I am a senior in high school who has just applied for admission at University of Illinois at Chicago. I have a 3.26 GPA and a 22 on my ACT. I have a decent amount of extracurricular activities. I would like to be a nurse or go into biological sciences. What is your opinion on my admission status? Please & thanks!
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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I really don't know that much about this University, but based on your ACT score you seem to be in the ranges of the students that go there. I can't really predict if you will get in or not because I really don't know anything about you or your course load, but based on your ACT I think that you have a good chance. I would suggest that you visit www.collegeboard.com and search for this university and then on their page you will be able to compare your stats to the admitted student's stats. I hope this helps, good luck!
I am a senior in high school who has just applied for admission at University of Illinois at Chicago. I have a 3.26 GPA and a 22 on my ACT. I have a decent amount of extracurricular activities. I would like to be a nurse or go into biological sciences. What is your opinion on my admission status? Please & thanks!
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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I really don't know that much about this University, but based on your ACT score you seem to be in the ranges of the students that go there. I can't really predict if you will get in or not because I really don't know anything about you or your course load, but based on your ACT I think that you have a good chance. I would suggest that you visit www.collegeboard.com and search for this university and then on their page you will be able to compare your stats to the admitted student's stats. I hope this helps, good luck!
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Will I get into University of Illinois at Chicago?
Will I get into University of Illinois at Chicago?
I am a senior in high school who has just applied for admission at University of Illinois at Chicago. I have a 3.26 GPA and a 22 on my ACT. I have a decent amount of extracurricular activities. I would like to be a nurse or go into biological sciences. What is your opinion on my admission status? Please & thanks!
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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I really don't know that much about this University, but based on your ACT score you seem to be in the ranges of the students that go there. I can't really predict if you will get in or not because I really don't know anything about you or your course load, but based on your ACT I think that you have a good chance. I would suggest that you visit www.collegeboard.com and search for this university and then on their page you will be able to compare your stats to the admitted student's stats. I hope this helps, good luck!
I am a senior in high school who has just applied for admission at University of Illinois at Chicago. I have a 3.26 GPA and a 22 on my ACT. I have a decent amount of extracurricular activities. I would like to be a nurse or go into biological sciences. What is your opinion on my admission status? Please & thanks!
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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I really don't know that much about this University, but based on your ACT score you seem to be in the ranges of the students that go there. I can't really predict if you will get in or not because I really don't know anything about you or your course load, but based on your ACT I think that you have a good chance. I would suggest that you visit www.collegeboard.com and search for this university and then on their page you will be able to compare your stats to the admitted student's stats. I hope this helps, good luck!
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