What makes an university a better school should the number of students be taken into consideration?
I kinda want to attend this suburban college Governors State U.as oppsed to UIC (university of ilinois at Chicago which is a really big school) but GSU only have approx. 6000 students considering this school is only an upper level division that means that you can only transfer in as a junior and up or have completed an Associates at another institution. Which school would be best Uic had about 60 students a class Gsu had approx 15 students a class. Which would be a better option should i worry about the enrollement in these schools
Higher Education (University +) - 5 Answers
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It's not that the size of a university has anything to do with how good it is, in general. It's how well that university fits you, personally, and size is definately a consideration. If you feel that U Illinois Chicago is simply too big for you, and that GSU is a better fit because it is smaller, than that's a completely valid choice, and you're probably right. Go with your gut. So long as both schools are respectable and appropriately accredited, and GSU offers what you want, then go there.
The number of students that go to a school matters less than the number of students per class. Smaller classes mean more attention and help. I would talk with the admissions people at Governor's State and see if your completed credits will transfer. Most schools are really picky about what they will accept. If the school you received your associates degree from is a nationally accredited institution and the school you are trying to go to is regionally accredited you have little to no chance to transfer your credits. The plus to big schools is that more people are familiar with them and a future employer would have some name recognition. Good luck!
Whatever is cheaper! It also depends on your program of study.....my sisters O.T. (occupational therapy) classes only had 4 students in it. I went to the biggest university of my state and there were 60+ students in general courses and about 20+ students in my program of study. Your professors are still going to be just as available to you for any needs, concerns or questions. I attended a junior college that had about 25 students and I found that they were worse behaved than the university students. Also, most professors do not tolerate excessive noise and disruption in classrooms so you shouldn't worry that your education will be sacrificed or ruined.
I vote for smaller is better. With 15 people in a class everyone has to be prepared because you really can't hide. The prof will know your name (great for when you need a letter of recommendation), you should get really interesting discussions and you will learn from your peers. Not to mention you will be more challenged because you will have to think on your feet and be able to explain your answers to the class. Great preparation for the work place or grad school!
Look at the variety of classes offered in your field. UIC probably has more choices. GSU probably gives more individual attention. (This may vary with the major.) Also make sure that the classes will "make" (have enough students to be worth actually teaching the class) and that you will be able to line up classes to graduate on your schedule. Beyond that, go with whichever you feel more comfortable with. For undergraduate the degree is more important than the school.
Monday, May 30, 2011
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Will I get into these colleges with this GPA/ACT/Extra curricular activities? I need your opinions!!?
Will I get into these colleges with this GPA/ACT/Extra curricular activities? I need your opinions!!?
These are the colleges I plan to apply to: University of Illinois at Chicago Loyola University (Chicago) DePaul University (Chicago) Bradley University (Peoria) Benedictine University (LaSalle) Elmhurst College (Elmhurst) Indiana University Bloomington Marquette University (Madison, WI) Southern Illinois University Edwardsville Western Ilinois University Here's my info: prospective major: Kinesiology.Movement Sciences + Pre Med GPA= 4.19 (5.0 scale) ACT score= 24 Reccomendation letters= pretty solid Extra Curricular: leader of a club (ive been involved with for 4 years), photo editor on newspaper (4 years on staff), 10 years of learning dance, vollunteer at hosptial, had summer job (receptionist at a surgical center) , played a sport for 2 years, participated in various shows (multicultural,talent, etc.) What are my chances? Which schools will I get into, do you think, for sure? Which ones should i worry about? Which ones do you feel I am not adequet for? Thanks for your help!!
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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As I cannot speak for other schools, I am an Undergraduate at DePaul University, and with the information you provided I would say that you would be a likely candidate for admission. The next step for you would just be to make sure that it is a school that will meet the needs of your program of choice and begin the application process. Need any more help, just ask. Thanks!
These are the colleges I plan to apply to: University of Illinois at Chicago Loyola University (Chicago) DePaul University (Chicago) Bradley University (Peoria) Benedictine University (LaSalle) Elmhurst College (Elmhurst) Indiana University Bloomington Marquette University (Madison, WI) Southern Illinois University Edwardsville Western Ilinois University Here's my info: prospective major: Kinesiology.Movement Sciences + Pre Med GPA= 4.19 (5.0 scale) ACT score= 24 Reccomendation letters= pretty solid Extra Curricular: leader of a club (ive been involved with for 4 years), photo editor on newspaper (4 years on staff), 10 years of learning dance, vollunteer at hosptial, had summer job (receptionist at a surgical center) , played a sport for 2 years, participated in various shows (multicultural,talent, etc.) What are my chances? Which schools will I get into, do you think, for sure? Which ones should i worry about? Which ones do you feel I am not adequet for? Thanks for your help!!
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
As I cannot speak for other schools, I am an Undergraduate at DePaul University, and with the information you provided I would say that you would be a likely candidate for admission. The next step for you would just be to make sure that it is a school that will meet the needs of your program of choice and begin the application process. Need any more help, just ask. Thanks!
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Obama is a big fat liar?
Obama is a big fat liar?
Another Obama lie. Why did Obama lie about being a law school professor in constitutional law at the University of Chicago during his senate race for Illinois at 2004. How can he honestly become president if he has to make up lies to become the senator of Ilinois? Maybe this is another proof that he has been trying to cover up the fact that he is incompetent his entire political career. Here is a credible source: http://blogs.suntimes.com/sweet/2008/03/sweet_obama_did_hold_the_title.html Pathetic. Trying to deny the truth. Additional comments- big fat liar is an expression for some of you who are unaware. it does not refer to Obama being "big" or "fat. If you still think I am a liar...this story will come up all over google. The actual website I chose for a source really doesn't matter....because it's the same report.......
Elections - 23 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
He is not fat, where did you get that? Liar and big are correct.
Credible source please.
No. Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones. Might just leave you wearing a random bandaid on your head.....
Sad isn't it.
leave brittany alone!
This is one of the many reasons why I voted for Keyes in 2004. I would rather Obama remain my horribly senator than be my POTUS.
Figures lie and liars figure. You're figuring. From 1992 until his election to the U.S. Senate in 2004, Barack Obama served as a professor in the Law School. He was a Lecturer from 1992 to 1996. He was a Senior Lecturer from 1996 to 2004, during which time he taught three courses per year. Senior Lecturers are considered to be members of the Law School faculty and are regarded as professors, although not full-time or tenure-track.
Liarey-liar. McCain is wayyyyyyyyyyy better! Or Nick Jonas? :)
nice try = but once again what you state is untrue!
O'Bamba Pinocchio is what his name says a notorious liar.
Liar! Ranter! Liar! Ranter! Liar! Ranter! Liar! Ranter! Liar! Ranter! Liar! Ranter!
trying to spread a malicious rumour SHAME!!!!!!!!!!! if you want people to think you are telling the truth source your question dumba$$
he is a liar, he has proven that over and over and he doesn't mind lying to voters to get gulliable ones to support him!
thats not a credible source, you are nothing but a big fat (and I am 100% sure you are grossly overweight) liar
Yes he is, Why are you surprised he is a pathological lying manipulating narcissist.
Obama isn't qualified Lawfully , to be President. The following came from a USNA alumnus. It'll be interesting to see how the media handles this... Barack Obama is not a legal U.S. natural-born citizen according to the law on the books at the time of his birth, which falls between December 24, 1952, to November 13, 1986. Federal Law requires that the office of President requires a natural-born citizen if the child was not born to two U.S. Citizen parents. This is what exempts John McCain, though he was born in the US Panama Canal Zone. US Law very clearly states: '. . . If only one parent is a U.S. Citizen at the time of one's birth, that parent must have resided in the United States for minimum ten years, five of which must be after the age of 16.' Barack Obama's father was not a U.S. Citizen is a fact. Obama's mother was only 18 when Obama was born. This means even though she had been a U.S. Citizen for 10 years, (or citizen of Hawaii being a territory), his mother fails the test for at-least-5-years- prior-to Barack Obama's birth, but-after-age-16. In essence, Mother alone is not old enough to qualify her son for automatic U.S. Citizenship. At most, 2 years elapsed from his mother turning 16 to the time of Barack Obama's birth when she was 18. His mother would have needed to have been 16 + 5 = 21 years old at the time of Barack Obama's birth for him to be a natural-born citizen. Barack Obama was already 3 years old at the time his mother would have needed to be to allow him natural citizenship from his only U.S. Citizen parent. Obama should have been naturalized as a citizen . . . but that would disqualify him from holding the office. The Constitution clearly declares: Naturalized citizens are ineligible to hold the office of President. Though Barack Obama was sent back to Hawaii at age 10, any other information does not matter because his mother is the one who must fulfill the requirement to be a U.S. Citzen for 10 years prior to his birth on August 4, 1961, with 5 of those years being after age 16. Further, Obama may have had to have remained in the USA for some time frame to protect any citizenship he might have had, rather than living in Indonesia. This is very clear cut and a glaring violation of U.S. Election law.
The public does not care. the public has been confused and no longer can tell the difference between right and wrong, good and evil or normal and abnormal. They are teaching our kids in school that homosexuality and cross-dressing is normal and healthy and should be celebrated and experimented with. They are teaching them that religion and God are "fairy tales" and believers are misguided, judgmental hypocrites. They are teaching them that the US is a racist, sexist nation. They are teaching them that our police are brutal and racist. They are teaching them that out troops are murderers. They are teaching them that humans have the ability to alter the global climate and that we are in the process of destroying the Earth and all of its inhabitants. They are teaching them that it's fine for teenagers to have sex and they are giving them birth control pills and condoms starting at m11 years old. They are teaching them that it is wrong to enforce US immigration laws. They are teaching them that all forms of diversity should be celebrated, no matter how weird, negative, abnormal or immoral. They are teaching them that there are no moral absolutes. All types of horrific behavior have some sort of valid justifications. Nobody brought up in today's environment can tell right from wrong.
Was that a question? Obama is neither big nor fat- just dishonest. But then - he's a politcian.
He's a big and disgustingly skinny liar.
How do you know that's a reliable source???
Of course he is he's a POLITICIAN.
By that standard, so was Abraham Lincoln. He blatantly campaigned on his poverty-stricken childhood. He was indeed born in a log cabin. But his father was one of the richest people in Larue county. The log cabin on display in the Kentucky museum has no resemblance to what Lincoln lived in as a child. Do you think Andrew Jackson never told a lie? How about Theodore Roosevelt? How about Franklin Roosevelt? How about George H.W. Bush? How about George W. Bush? How about Bill Clinton? How about Ronald Reagan? How about Richard Nixon? You know, there was a myth running around some time back that George Washington never told a lie. Well, a myth was all it was. Have you ever told a lie? By the way, I don't know of a single instance where James Carter told a lie. (There may be cases, but I have never heard of any of them.) At any rate, this very honest man was an abysmal president, was he not? Well, I guess I don't get your point. It doesn't seem to add any value to the process. I'm a Republican, and I think we should focus on things that matter. The Senator's exaggeration of his teaching experience does not bother me one iota.
He lied because he is incompetent.
Another Obama lie. Why did Obama lie about being a law school professor in constitutional law at the University of Chicago during his senate race for Illinois at 2004. How can he honestly become president if he has to make up lies to become the senator of Ilinois? Maybe this is another proof that he has been trying to cover up the fact that he is incompetent his entire political career. Here is a credible source: http://blogs.suntimes.com/sweet/2008/03/sweet_obama_did_hold_the_title.html Pathetic. Trying to deny the truth. Additional comments- big fat liar is an expression for some of you who are unaware. it does not refer to Obama being "big" or "fat. If you still think I am a liar...this story will come up all over google. The actual website I chose for a source really doesn't matter....because it's the same report.......
Elections - 23 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
He is not fat, where did you get that? Liar and big are correct.
Credible source please.
No. Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones. Might just leave you wearing a random bandaid on your head.....
Sad isn't it.
leave brittany alone!
This is one of the many reasons why I voted for Keyes in 2004. I would rather Obama remain my horribly senator than be my POTUS.
Figures lie and liars figure. You're figuring. From 1992 until his election to the U.S. Senate in 2004, Barack Obama served as a professor in the Law School. He was a Lecturer from 1992 to 1996. He was a Senior Lecturer from 1996 to 2004, during which time he taught three courses per year. Senior Lecturers are considered to be members of the Law School faculty and are regarded as professors, although not full-time or tenure-track.
Liarey-liar. McCain is wayyyyyyyyyyy better! Or Nick Jonas? :)
nice try = but once again what you state is untrue!
O'Bamba Pinocchio is what his name says a notorious liar.
Liar! Ranter! Liar! Ranter! Liar! Ranter! Liar! Ranter! Liar! Ranter! Liar! Ranter!
trying to spread a malicious rumour SHAME!!!!!!!!!!! if you want people to think you are telling the truth source your question dumba$$
he is a liar, he has proven that over and over and he doesn't mind lying to voters to get gulliable ones to support him!
thats not a credible source, you are nothing but a big fat (and I am 100% sure you are grossly overweight) liar
Yes he is, Why are you surprised he is a pathological lying manipulating narcissist.
Obama isn't qualified Lawfully , to be President. The following came from a USNA alumnus. It'll be interesting to see how the media handles this... Barack Obama is not a legal U.S. natural-born citizen according to the law on the books at the time of his birth, which falls between December 24, 1952, to November 13, 1986. Federal Law requires that the office of President requires a natural-born citizen if the child was not born to two U.S. Citizen parents. This is what exempts John McCain, though he was born in the US Panama Canal Zone. US Law very clearly states: '. . . If only one parent is a U.S. Citizen at the time of one's birth, that parent must have resided in the United States for minimum ten years, five of which must be after the age of 16.' Barack Obama's father was not a U.S. Citizen is a fact. Obama's mother was only 18 when Obama was born. This means even though she had been a U.S. Citizen for 10 years, (or citizen of Hawaii being a territory), his mother fails the test for at-least-5-years- prior-to Barack Obama's birth, but-after-age-16. In essence, Mother alone is not old enough to qualify her son for automatic U.S. Citizenship. At most, 2 years elapsed from his mother turning 16 to the time of Barack Obama's birth when she was 18. His mother would have needed to have been 16 + 5 = 21 years old at the time of Barack Obama's birth for him to be a natural-born citizen. Barack Obama was already 3 years old at the time his mother would have needed to be to allow him natural citizenship from his only U.S. Citizen parent. Obama should have been naturalized as a citizen . . . but that would disqualify him from holding the office. The Constitution clearly declares: Naturalized citizens are ineligible to hold the office of President. Though Barack Obama was sent back to Hawaii at age 10, any other information does not matter because his mother is the one who must fulfill the requirement to be a U.S. Citzen for 10 years prior to his birth on August 4, 1961, with 5 of those years being after age 16. Further, Obama may have had to have remained in the USA for some time frame to protect any citizenship he might have had, rather than living in Indonesia. This is very clear cut and a glaring violation of U.S. Election law.
The public does not care. the public has been confused and no longer can tell the difference between right and wrong, good and evil or normal and abnormal. They are teaching our kids in school that homosexuality and cross-dressing is normal and healthy and should be celebrated and experimented with. They are teaching them that religion and God are "fairy tales" and believers are misguided, judgmental hypocrites. They are teaching them that the US is a racist, sexist nation. They are teaching them that our police are brutal and racist. They are teaching them that out troops are murderers. They are teaching them that humans have the ability to alter the global climate and that we are in the process of destroying the Earth and all of its inhabitants. They are teaching them that it's fine for teenagers to have sex and they are giving them birth control pills and condoms starting at m11 years old. They are teaching them that it is wrong to enforce US immigration laws. They are teaching them that all forms of diversity should be celebrated, no matter how weird, negative, abnormal or immoral. They are teaching them that there are no moral absolutes. All types of horrific behavior have some sort of valid justifications. Nobody brought up in today's environment can tell right from wrong.
Was that a question? Obama is neither big nor fat- just dishonest. But then - he's a politcian.
He's a big and disgustingly skinny liar.
How do you know that's a reliable source???
Of course he is he's a POLITICIAN.
By that standard, so was Abraham Lincoln. He blatantly campaigned on his poverty-stricken childhood. He was indeed born in a log cabin. But his father was one of the richest people in Larue county. The log cabin on display in the Kentucky museum has no resemblance to what Lincoln lived in as a child. Do you think Andrew Jackson never told a lie? How about Theodore Roosevelt? How about Franklin Roosevelt? How about George H.W. Bush? How about George W. Bush? How about Bill Clinton? How about Ronald Reagan? How about Richard Nixon? You know, there was a myth running around some time back that George Washington never told a lie. Well, a myth was all it was. Have you ever told a lie? By the way, I don't know of a single instance where James Carter told a lie. (There may be cases, but I have never heard of any of them.) At any rate, this very honest man was an abysmal president, was he not? Well, I guess I don't get your point. It doesn't seem to add any value to the process. I'm a Republican, and I think we should focus on things that matter. The Senator's exaggeration of his teaching experience does not bother me one iota.
He lied because he is incompetent.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Everything IMSA, do I have a chance?
Everything IMSA, do I have a chance?
I am planning to apply to the Ilinois Math and Science Academy. I want to pursue a career in forensics, so I think this school would benefit me greatly. Here is my info: Location: Chicago area Grades: All A's in english and math and in science A+'s from the past two years Freshman classes: I am taking honors english, honors biology and honors geometry (would it affect me that my school offers algebra II but I can't take it?) G.P.A: since 7th grade about 3.999, but last year I received my all time low 3.8 something. the G.P.A from school can only go up to about 4.1 Gender: Female Ethnicity: Hispanic Extracurriculars: Figure skating, volleyball and some dance Clubs: Science Olympiad and a competing math club SAT: I am currently studying a LOT, I am taking it in a few months I am attending the EIP program to show my interest in the school What are my chances considering there is a lot of competetion from where I live, and my not so spectacular grades? I forgot to mention I am also in band and choir, if that helps at all. And my teacher evaluations, I expect, are really good.
Other - Education - 1 Answers
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You sound like every other person applying to IMSA. I really can't help you until you get your SAT scores, which separates the men from the boys. Seriously, study a LOT. And make sure your essays are great. And stop thinking "my all time low" or "I usually do better", because IMSA won't care. You have what you have, and crying over how you usually should do better is not going to do anything. Another thing to consider is getting over your perfectionism. I am also a perfectionist, and I will tell you that perfectionism and IMSA is bound to end badly. Just something to keep in mind.
I am planning to apply to the Ilinois Math and Science Academy. I want to pursue a career in forensics, so I think this school would benefit me greatly. Here is my info: Location: Chicago area Grades: All A's in english and math and in science A+'s from the past two years Freshman classes: I am taking honors english, honors biology and honors geometry (would it affect me that my school offers algebra II but I can't take it?) G.P.A: since 7th grade about 3.999, but last year I received my all time low 3.8 something. the G.P.A from school can only go up to about 4.1 Gender: Female Ethnicity: Hispanic Extracurriculars: Figure skating, volleyball and some dance Clubs: Science Olympiad and a competing math club SAT: I am currently studying a LOT, I am taking it in a few months I am attending the EIP program to show my interest in the school What are my chances considering there is a lot of competetion from where I live, and my not so spectacular grades? I forgot to mention I am also in band and choir, if that helps at all. And my teacher evaluations, I expect, are really good.
Other - Education - 1 Answers
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You sound like every other person applying to IMSA. I really can't help you until you get your SAT scores, which separates the men from the boys. Seriously, study a LOT. And make sure your essays are great. And stop thinking "my all time low" or "I usually do better", because IMSA won't care. You have what you have, and crying over how you usually should do better is not going to do anything. Another thing to consider is getting over your perfectionism. I am also a perfectionist, and I will tell you that perfectionism and IMSA is bound to end badly. Just something to keep in mind.
Sunday, May 22, 2011
What makes an university a better school should the number of students be taken into consideration?
What makes an university a better school should the number of students be taken into consideration?
I kinda want to attend this suburban college Governors State U.as oppsed to UIC (university of ilinois at Chicago which is a really big school) but GSU only have approx. 6000 students considering this school is only an upper level division that means that you can only transfer in as a junior and up or have completed an Associates at another institution. Which school would be best Uic had about 60 students a class Gsu had approx 15 students a class. Which would be a better option should i worry about the enrollement in these schools
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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I think that the smaller the class, the better. If you're in a big class, professors don't know your name (usually), and you don't have much of a relationship with them. If you're in a small class, you can really participate and be engaged in the class, and get to know the professor (who can write you recommendations for jobs later, and be a great mentor.)
I kinda want to attend this suburban college Governors State U.as oppsed to UIC (university of ilinois at Chicago which is a really big school) but GSU only have approx. 6000 students considering this school is only an upper level division that means that you can only transfer in as a junior and up or have completed an Associates at another institution. Which school would be best Uic had about 60 students a class Gsu had approx 15 students a class. Which would be a better option should i worry about the enrollement in these schools
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
I think that the smaller the class, the better. If you're in a big class, professors don't know your name (usually), and you don't have much of a relationship with them. If you're in a small class, you can really participate and be engaged in the class, and get to know the professor (who can write you recommendations for jobs later, and be a great mentor.)
Friday, May 20, 2011
Is Illinois State University a fun school?
Is Illinois State University a fun school?
Im a senior in hs and live in the chicago area.. how affordable is illinois state? good party school? what types of majors is it good for? any help is good , thanks!
Primary & Secondary Education - 1 Answers
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Im a senior in hs and live in the chicago area.. how affordable is illinois state? good party school? what types of majors is it good for? any help is good , thanks!
Primary & Secondary Education - 1 Answers
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Wednesday, May 18, 2011
I heard there was a pharmacy tech program for high school students is that true? if it is how do i sign up.?
I heard there was a pharmacy tech program for high school students is that true? if it is how do i sign up.?
i live in chicago,ilinois. i heard it was with places like cvs, walgreens,target and walmartetc.
Other - Education - 1 Answers
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Non high school students can work as a pharmacy technician, if they are currently high school students. However, the pharmacies do not like to hire techs under 18. There are no special programs which I am awhere of. Just contact your local pharmacies and see if they are hiring. You will also need to get a pharm tech license.
i live in chicago,ilinois. i heard it was with places like cvs, walgreens,target and walmartetc.
Other - Education - 1 Answers
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Non high school students can work as a pharmacy technician, if they are currently high school students. However, the pharmacies do not like to hire techs under 18. There are no special programs which I am awhere of. Just contact your local pharmacies and see if they are hiring. You will also need to get a pharm tech license.
Monday, May 16, 2011
How to get to the six flag in ilinois, with public transportion?
How to get to the six flag in ilinois, with public transportion?
My friends and i r trying to go to the six flag from Aruroa still middle school to six flag in chicago. please tell me how to get to six flag with pubilc transsportion!!!!!!!! STILL MIDDLE SCHOOL TO SIX FLAG! (ex. train , bus ) We don't have a RIDE!!!
Chicago - 1 Answers
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Go here: http://tripsweb.rtachicago.com/ might help
My friends and i r trying to go to the six flag from Aruroa still middle school to six flag in chicago. please tell me how to get to six flag with pubilc transsportion!!!!!!!! STILL MIDDLE SCHOOL TO SIX FLAG! (ex. train , bus ) We don't have a RIDE!!!
Chicago - 1 Answers
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Go here: http://tripsweb.rtachicago.com/ might help
Saturday, May 14, 2011
I need a list of lawyer employment recruiters for the western suburbs of Chicago Illinois.?
I need a list of lawyer employment recruiters for the western suburbs of Chicago Illinois.?
I am an attorney 6 years out of law school- looking to relocate to the western suburbs of Chicago, Naperville/Wheaton area.
Careers & Employment - 2 Answers
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Purchase the Crain's Chicago Business executive recruiter list. The NY list notes the professions each firm recruits for, and I assume the Chicago list will as well. Find those that recruit for law firms, and off you go.
Try http://findlaw.com or http://jobing.com
I am an attorney 6 years out of law school- looking to relocate to the western suburbs of Chicago, Naperville/Wheaton area.
Careers & Employment - 2 Answers
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Purchase the Crain's Chicago Business executive recruiter list. The NY list notes the professions each firm recruits for, and I assume the Chicago list will as well. Find those that recruit for law firms, and off you go.
Try http://findlaw.com or http://jobing.com
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Any good places to do service hours in Chicago, Illinois?
Any good places to do service hours in Chicago, Illinois?
well i am in high school and planning to do extra service hours, i really can't find any places ot go to for service hours so does anybody know a website that tells you different places ot go to? or do you know a good specific place to go to, somewhere where they need help, i would love to help. thank you =)
Community Service - 2 Answers
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Oh k 1st OMG GO CHICAGO....lol i live on the west side but anyway.....you can volunteer at anti-cruelty downtown, or the Shedd or like any museum or i bet there are tons of homeless shelters but i don't know websites for them.
Check out these sites for your area to see what they may have going on.
well i am in high school and planning to do extra service hours, i really can't find any places ot go to for service hours so does anybody know a website that tells you different places ot go to? or do you know a good specific place to go to, somewhere where they need help, i would love to help. thank you =)
Community Service - 2 Answers
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Oh k 1st OMG GO CHICAGO....lol i live on the west side but anyway.....you can volunteer at anti-cruelty downtown, or the Shedd or like any museum or i bet there are tons of homeless shelters but i don't know websites for them.
Check out these sites for your area to see what they may have going on.
Monday, May 9, 2011
Will I get into University of Illinois at Chicago?
Will I get into University of Illinois at Chicago?
I am a senior in high school who has just applied for admission at University of Illinois at Chicago. I have a 3.26 GPA and a 22 on my ACT. I have a decent amount of extracurricular activities. I would like to be a nurse or go into biological sciences. What is your opinion on my admission status? Please & thanks!
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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You do have a chance, but apply to other schools as well./
I am a senior in high school who has just applied for admission at University of Illinois at Chicago. I have a 3.26 GPA and a 22 on my ACT. I have a decent amount of extracurricular activities. I would like to be a nurse or go into biological sciences. What is your opinion on my admission status? Please & thanks!
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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You do have a chance, but apply to other schools as well./
Saturday, May 7, 2011
I messed up my last quarter of high school!! Will i get denied from the University of Illinois at Chicago?!?
I messed up my last quarter of high school!! Will i get denied from the University of Illinois at Chicago?!?
I had three classes this last quarter...AP Biology, Physics, and AP English. This last quarter i messed up and i got a D in AP Biology, a Pass in physics (i took it pass/fail, and a D in AP English will the University of Illinois at Chicago deny me?? I was admitted into the Applied Health Sciences school. Is there anything i can do??? FYI, I'm taking summer school at a community college to get ahead. I just finished my Anthropology class and i believe i got an A. Now i am taking English 102 (because i was granted credit for english 101 because of my ACT) and Psychology 101. I plan to do well in these as well. So basically i just messed up in my AP English and Bio class. English doesnt matter because i'll be done with it for the rest of my life once i'm done with it this summer. However do they look at it the same way?? How can i prove to them that i am doing well in these college classes and that i am going above and beyond most kids in the summer and doing a total of 12 credit hours??? I don't know what happened this last quarter but i'm deffinetly a hard worker...
Higher Education (University +) - 4 Answers
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Talk to the school and see what they say. Failing your last semester in high school is not a good sign that you will do well in college. It is a good indicator that you're too busy partying these days to focus on what's really important. You're going to have to impress upon them that you are a worthwhile candidate. You may have to start at a community college and then tranfer to the better school. In which case, be sure you take classes that will transfer.
D's are really bad for College Transcript, let alone a C. I wouldn't be surprised if they stripped you of your scholarship, just expect the worse and hope for the best. If your in your Senior year of HS, then theres probably nothing you can do to change there mind. If you don't get accepted, you can always go to a local Community College for 2 years, and join the honors program over there. You probably are capable of getting A's and B's, and maybe you can transfer to an even better university than Illinois. Many people say that your Senior Year is the most "unimportant year in Highschool." Thats deadwrong, Colleges look at your Senior Grades, because that usually reflects on your attitude/personality. People who tend to consistently do well from Freshmen-Senior impresses colleges a lot. But people who do well from Freshmen-Junior year and slack off their Senior, gives Colleges a very bad impression. They think that you don't care anymore and aren't determined. But to answer your question....its really up to the University to decide if they still want you, based on what you did at the Community College, I think you have a good shot to go to the University your supposed to attend. Good luck
if they deny u u can allways join the air force and they will pay for ur college
if you were already admitted then you probably won't be denied....in all honesty U of I isn't really a good school...or that good of one...so you aren't in that bad of a position...i mean you shouldn't have screwed yourself like that in high school...but there's worse you could have done... anyway...you could take summer classes to help erase some of those bad grades...but the fact that you only had 3 classes and screwed them up so badly doesn't look good...and you probably didn't earn college credit for any of those... i'm not sure of what else you can do...but you really shouldn't have put yourself into this kind of position...you really shot yourself in the foot this time...
I had three classes this last quarter...AP Biology, Physics, and AP English. This last quarter i messed up and i got a D in AP Biology, a Pass in physics (i took it pass/fail, and a D in AP English will the University of Illinois at Chicago deny me?? I was admitted into the Applied Health Sciences school. Is there anything i can do??? FYI, I'm taking summer school at a community college to get ahead. I just finished my Anthropology class and i believe i got an A. Now i am taking English 102 (because i was granted credit for english 101 because of my ACT) and Psychology 101. I plan to do well in these as well. So basically i just messed up in my AP English and Bio class. English doesnt matter because i'll be done with it for the rest of my life once i'm done with it this summer. However do they look at it the same way?? How can i prove to them that i am doing well in these college classes and that i am going above and beyond most kids in the summer and doing a total of 12 credit hours??? I don't know what happened this last quarter but i'm deffinetly a hard worker...
Higher Education (University +) - 4 Answers
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Talk to the school and see what they say. Failing your last semester in high school is not a good sign that you will do well in college. It is a good indicator that you're too busy partying these days to focus on what's really important. You're going to have to impress upon them that you are a worthwhile candidate. You may have to start at a community college and then tranfer to the better school. In which case, be sure you take classes that will transfer.
D's are really bad for College Transcript, let alone a C. I wouldn't be surprised if they stripped you of your scholarship, just expect the worse and hope for the best. If your in your Senior year of HS, then theres probably nothing you can do to change there mind. If you don't get accepted, you can always go to a local Community College for 2 years, and join the honors program over there. You probably are capable of getting A's and B's, and maybe you can transfer to an even better university than Illinois. Many people say that your Senior Year is the most "unimportant year in Highschool." Thats deadwrong, Colleges look at your Senior Grades, because that usually reflects on your attitude/personality. People who tend to consistently do well from Freshmen-Senior impresses colleges a lot. But people who do well from Freshmen-Junior year and slack off their Senior, gives Colleges a very bad impression. They think that you don't care anymore and aren't determined. But to answer your question....its really up to the University to decide if they still want you, based on what you did at the Community College, I think you have a good shot to go to the University your supposed to attend. Good luck
if they deny u u can allways join the air force and they will pay for ur college
if you were already admitted then you probably won't be denied....in all honesty U of I isn't really a good school...or that good of one...so you aren't in that bad of a position...i mean you shouldn't have screwed yourself like that in high school...but there's worse you could have done... anyway...you could take summer classes to help erase some of those bad grades...but the fact that you only had 3 classes and screwed them up so badly doesn't look good...and you probably didn't earn college credit for any of those... i'm not sure of what else you can do...but you really shouldn't have put yourself into this kind of position...you really shot yourself in the foot this time...
Is medical school at the University of Illinois at Chicago really hard to get in and is it more expensive too?
Is medical school at the University of Illinois at Chicago really hard to get in and is it more expensive too?
Im going into my senior year in high school. I have a gpa of 4.93 out of 5 and I got a 26 on my ACT. Would it be really hard to get into medical school and would it be more expensive then the regular costs of just attending the school?
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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I believe the yearly tuition/fees for UIC Medicine for in-state residents is about $30k. I believe they get 7000-8000 applicants for 300 spots. Your high school record is unimportant.
Im going into my senior year in high school. I have a gpa of 4.93 out of 5 and I got a 26 on my ACT. Would it be really hard to get into medical school and would it be more expensive then the regular costs of just attending the school?
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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I believe the yearly tuition/fees for UIC Medicine for in-state residents is about $30k. I believe they get 7000-8000 applicants for 300 spots. Your high school record is unimportant.
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Illinois Institute of Art... what area of Chicago is the school located?
Illinois Institute of Art... what area of Chicago is the school located?
I am currently looking for apartment options because I will be attending this school. Other than the recommended Presidential Towers, and the Dwight lofts. Just in case there is nothing available for me to rent. I found a website http://chicago.apartments.com/ that will show different apartments in different locations, but I do not know what the area the school is located in called. For instance... Chicago North, Chicago South, Cook County North, Du Page West Cook, Far North Suburbs, Far Northwest Suburbs, Far South Suburbs, Far Southwest suburbs, Far West Suburbs, and last but not least, Northwestern Indiana.
Renting & Real Estate - 1 Answers
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It is the downtown area. The school is located in the Merchandise Mart. I would call it the near northside meaning it is north of downtown yet very close to downtown. I found out that they list two campuses. The second one is located in Schaumburg which is about 20 miles outside the city limits in a northwest direction.
I am currently looking for apartment options because I will be attending this school. Other than the recommended Presidential Towers, and the Dwight lofts. Just in case there is nothing available for me to rent. I found a website http://chicago.apartments.com/ that will show different apartments in different locations, but I do not know what the area the school is located in called. For instance... Chicago North, Chicago South, Cook County North, Du Page West Cook, Far North Suburbs, Far Northwest Suburbs, Far South Suburbs, Far Southwest suburbs, Far West Suburbs, and last but not least, Northwestern Indiana.
Renting & Real Estate - 1 Answers
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It is the downtown area. The school is located in the Merchandise Mart. I would call it the near northside meaning it is north of downtown yet very close to downtown. I found out that they list two campuses. The second one is located in Schaumburg which is about 20 miles outside the city limits in a northwest direction.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Can I get into University of Illinois at Chicago with a 3.4 GPA at a college prep school and a ACT score of 21?
Can I get into University of Illinois at Chicago with a 3.4 GPA at a college prep school and a ACT score of 21?
Other - Education - 2 Answers
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About all you can do is compare yourself to the students they did accept. Here's how the middle half of their most recent freshman class scored: ACT Middle 50%: 21 - 26 Math Middle 50%: 20 - 27 English Middle 50%: 20 - 27 Students in Top Tenth of HS Class:23% As you can see, you're near the bottom of that middle group, but it's not absolutely out of the question if your activities and class rank are good.
You'll probably get in.
Other - Education - 2 Answers
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About all you can do is compare yourself to the students they did accept. Here's how the middle half of their most recent freshman class scored: ACT Middle 50%: 21 - 26 Math Middle 50%: 20 - 27 English Middle 50%: 20 - 27 Students in Top Tenth of HS Class:23% As you can see, you're near the bottom of that middle group, but it's not absolutely out of the question if your activities and class rank are good.
You'll probably get in.
Monday, May 2, 2011
Where could I find out about acting auditions in Chicago, Illinois?
Where could I find out about acting auditions in Chicago, Illinois? this is not for me. it's for my bf. he's been acting since he was in grammar school and right now he's having a hard time trying to find auditions. any suggestions would be great! Theater & Acting - 7 Answers Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions : 1 your local news paper! 2 Lol love the hair in the avatar pic! hahah, The best thing i could try to say is in a Newspaper or on the Internest =D Goodluck! ~S.F.C 3 Here are two great places to find auditions, http://chicago.craigslist.org/tfr/ http://chicago.craigslist.org/tlg/ 4 Pick up a Reader ( the free newspaper that comes out on Thursdays and not the suburban edition) 5 Hey! in 12, and i do CYT christian youth theader, i live in chicago. they do 3 shows a year, the 1 we just did was your a good man charlie brown, and coming up is alice in wonderland.if you want to know more e-mail me! dramachic694@yahoo.com 6 local news paper yellow pages.com google or ask the theature department's instructor of you local college, they will deffinitley know. 7 There are so many incredible theatre companies and different opportunities in Chicago. Steppenwolf Theatre Company(who have many Bway transfer that have won TONYs, not to mention so many people coming out of there) and so many more amazing ones. Take a look: http://www.centerstagechicago.com/theatre/whoswho/styles/TheatreCompanie.html This has a whole listing of all the theatre companies and is a really good place to look. Good luck. This should get him started! |
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