Which school is better?University of Illinois at Chicago or DePaul?
I want to apply for master program there. Which school is better? and what about Cal State University Fullerton? I am planning to apply for Accounting Master.
Higher Education (University +) - 4 Answers
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Why don't you try looking it up on the web?
Well it depends on what you are getting your masters in. Both are good schools, UIC may have a small edge over DePaul.
don't listen to what these other fools wrote...DePaul is the better school...please trust me
I'm currently a student at DePaul and I personally think DePaul is a better choice. It's more selective (but not that much more) than UIC, and it's actually known for its accounting and Computer Science programs. Also, UIC is state-funded, and according to what my friends say, sometimes they're limited on resources. UIC is better known for its medical department. The down side to DePaul is that classes must have at least 10 students per class registered, but most of their classes are still reasonably small. Also the housing is expensive, according to students. Graduation Rate (within six years) DePaul: 63% UIC: 44%
Friday, January 28, 2011
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Which school is better?University of Illinois at Chicago or DePaul?
Which school is better?University of Illinois at Chicago or DePaul?
I want to apply for master program there. Which school is better? and what about Cal State University Fullerton? I am planning to apply for Accounting Master.
Higher Education (University +) - 4 Answers
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Why don't you try looking it up on the web?
Well it depends on what you are getting your masters in. Both are good schools, UIC may have a small edge over DePaul.
don't listen to what these other fools wrote...DePaul is the better school...please trust me
I'm currently a student at DePaul and I personally think DePaul is a better choice. It's more selective (but not that much more) than UIC, and it's actually known for its accounting and Computer Science programs. Also, UIC is state-funded, and according to what my friends say, sometimes they're limited on resources. UIC is better known for its medical department. The down side to DePaul is that classes must have at least 10 students per class registered, but most of their classes are still reasonably small. Also the housing is expensive, according to students. Graduation Rate (within six years) DePaul: 63% UIC: 44%
I want to apply for master program there. Which school is better? and what about Cal State University Fullerton? I am planning to apply for Accounting Master.
Higher Education (University +) - 4 Answers
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Why don't you try looking it up on the web?
Well it depends on what you are getting your masters in. Both are good schools, UIC may have a small edge over DePaul.
don't listen to what these other fools wrote...DePaul is the better school...please trust me
I'm currently a student at DePaul and I personally think DePaul is a better choice. It's more selective (but not that much more) than UIC, and it's actually known for its accounting and Computer Science programs. Also, UIC is state-funded, and according to what my friends say, sometimes they're limited on resources. UIC is better known for its medical department. The down side to DePaul is that classes must have at least 10 students per class registered, but most of their classes are still reasonably small. Also the housing is expensive, according to students. Graduation Rate (within six years) DePaul: 63% UIC: 44%
Monday, January 24, 2011
does anyone g2 niles west high school it's chicago,illinois?
does anyone g2 niles west high school it's chicago,illinois?
Other - Education - 1 Answers
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Niles West is, more precisely, in Skokie, IL, suburb just north of Chicago. And, no, I didn't attend there.
Other - Education - 1 Answers
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Niles West is, more precisely, in Skokie, IL, suburb just north of Chicago. And, no, I didn't attend there.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
has anyone ever went to UIC DENTAL SCHOOL in chicago for a root canal?
has anyone ever went to UIC DENTAL SCHOOL in chicago for a root canal?
i need a root canal and a cavity repair on another tooth. i can find absolutely no info on prices and no one over the phone is any help. i just lost my job and my dental insurnace :( UIC (university of illinois at chicago) has a dental school that does work for discount prices. i need someone who had one done. how did it turn out? What did it cost?
Chicago - 1 Answers
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This is the Dining Out section!
i need a root canal and a cavity repair on another tooth. i can find absolutely no info on prices and no one over the phone is any help. i just lost my job and my dental insurnace :( UIC (university of illinois at chicago) has a dental school that does work for discount prices. i need someone who had one done. how did it turn out? What did it cost?
Chicago - 1 Answers
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This is the Dining Out section!
Thursday, January 20, 2011
where is the best place to shop on michigan avenue? as in chicago illinois, im goin there for school trip?
where is the best place to shop on michigan avenue? as in chicago illinois, im goin there for school trip?
Chicago - 5 Answers
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It depends on your budget. It's like NYC. Every fancy place crammed next to every cheap girly store all in several blocks of walking around everything. Go online and think about which places you like best to start. Do you like to save money on clothes or spend a lot? Then decide.
How old are you? What's your budget? What are you shopping for? If you're looking for clothes you have a multitude of choices, from the north: 900 N. Michigan Ave. mall (Bloomies), Water Tower Place, Neiman Marcus, Saks Fifth Avenue. Go down a little further south and there's Nordstrom's. Along the way there's everything from Ferragamo to The Gap. If you're into techno type, there's also the Apple store. Into music? Stop by Virgin Records. Really, from one end of the Mag Mile to the other you can't go wrong for whatever type of shopping you are interested in.
isnt macys on mighigan avenue? i think so... you should go there.
I'm going to assume you're a student (since, you know, you're on a school trip and all). If that is the case, unless mommy and daddy have given you their credit card and told you to go crazy or you're the latest pop star and have tons of money, there are not too many options for a student with a limited income. You're best bets on Michigan Ave. is the H&M store across the street from Water Tower Place on the north end of Michigan Ave. (it's a store with modern styles but surprisingly low prices), or the the Eddie Bauer story further south. There's also a Gap store on the street that occasionaly has sales too. The rest of the stores like Nordstrom, etc. are pretty pricey. If you can, convince your chaperones to take you to the Belmont/Clark street area. There are a few stores there that have some cool stuff and are a lot cheaper. Stores like Ragstock, the Alley, Marshalls, etc. I assume you're talking about clothes shopping. If you';re talking about knick knacks, those are all over the place.
H & M is a great choice. The 900 N. Michigan stores are great too - Bloomies, J Crew. I also love Nordstrom's for shoes - that's a great mall area too with a Sephora, Armani Exchange, etc.
Chicago - 5 Answers
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It depends on your budget. It's like NYC. Every fancy place crammed next to every cheap girly store all in several blocks of walking around everything. Go online and think about which places you like best to start. Do you like to save money on clothes or spend a lot? Then decide.
How old are you? What's your budget? What are you shopping for? If you're looking for clothes you have a multitude of choices, from the north: 900 N. Michigan Ave. mall (Bloomies), Water Tower Place, Neiman Marcus, Saks Fifth Avenue. Go down a little further south and there's Nordstrom's. Along the way there's everything from Ferragamo to The Gap. If you're into techno type, there's also the Apple store. Into music? Stop by Virgin Records. Really, from one end of the Mag Mile to the other you can't go wrong for whatever type of shopping you are interested in.
isnt macys on mighigan avenue? i think so... you should go there.
I'm going to assume you're a student (since, you know, you're on a school trip and all). If that is the case, unless mommy and daddy have given you their credit card and told you to go crazy or you're the latest pop star and have tons of money, there are not too many options for a student with a limited income. You're best bets on Michigan Ave. is the H&M store across the street from Water Tower Place on the north end of Michigan Ave. (it's a store with modern styles but surprisingly low prices), or the the Eddie Bauer story further south. There's also a Gap store on the street that occasionaly has sales too. The rest of the stores like Nordstrom, etc. are pretty pricey. If you can, convince your chaperones to take you to the Belmont/Clark street area. There are a few stores there that have some cool stuff and are a lot cheaper. Stores like Ragstock, the Alley, Marshalls, etc. I assume you're talking about clothes shopping. If you';re talking about knick knacks, those are all over the place.
H & M is a great choice. The 900 N. Michigan stores are great too - Bloomies, J Crew. I also love Nordstrom's for shoes - that's a great mall area too with a Sephora, Armani Exchange, etc.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
which high school is better in chicago illinois? mather or sullivan?
which high school is better in chicago illinois? mather or sullivan?
Other - Education - 1 Answers
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Mather is better. I live right near Sullivan and its awful, tons of fights inside the school all the time, plus after school I always see the kids walking up the block in big mobs and fighting in the street, etc. Educationally speaking its also a lot worse than Mather in terms of how the students do on those state exams and stuff. Mather is in the top half or middle-ish for most of that stuff [in terms of all CPS schools], its not great but Sullivan is usually near the bottom.
Other - Education - 1 Answers
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Mather is better. I live right near Sullivan and its awful, tons of fights inside the school all the time, plus after school I always see the kids walking up the block in big mobs and fighting in the street, etc. Educationally speaking its also a lot worse than Mather in terms of how the students do on those state exams and stuff. Mather is in the top half or middle-ish for most of that stuff [in terms of all CPS schools], its not great but Sullivan is usually near the bottom.
Sunday, January 16, 2011
THE illinois institute of art chicago school? I was told for associates degree you don't take any Gen. edu cla?
THE illinois institute of art chicago school? I was told for associates degree you don't take any Gen. edu cla?
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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The most accurate information will come form the school itself. Contact them directly with your question./
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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The most accurate information will come form the school itself. Contact them directly with your question./
Friday, January 14, 2011
Where to get Ear Candling and Space Clearing in Chicago?
Where to get Ear Candling and Space Clearing in Chicago?
I am from Nasville Tennesee and former friend had his ear Candling who was very deaf at the time done in Chicago. It was cured thru ear candling in one of the school in Chicago in 2005. The name of the school is illinois Chicago School of Ear Candling.
Alternative Medicine - 4 Answers
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I believe Illinois Chicago School and Training of Feng Shui , Space Clearing and Ear Candling at 3745 W. Monrose, Chicago, Il 60618. Their Tel. 773-588-8776. My parents went there and I do believe on Ear Candling. You will be amaza what is inside your ears. Ear Candling is not a scam and of course some medical practitioners will not accept this kind of practice.
Excuse me but there is no chance that deafness can be cured by ear candling. That is dangerous misinformation. From Wiki: "The Spokane Ear, Nose, and Throat Clinic conducted a research study in 1996 which concluded that ear candling does not produce negative pressure and was ineffective in removing wax from the ear canal.[2] Several studies have shown that ear candles produce the same residue when burnt without ear insertion and that the residue is simply candle wax and soot" "Prof. Edzard Ernst has published critically on the subject of ear candles noting that "There are no data to suggest that it is effective for any condition. Furthermore, ear candles have been associated with ear injuries. The inescapable conclusion is that ear candles do more harm than good. Their use should be discouraged" In the US, selling ear candles with medical claims is illegal. Why are you answering your own question?
Ear Candling does not work and is highly dangerous. Not only have Ear Candles have been proven in medical studies to be non-effective, the explanation of how they supposedly work is nonsense. What ear candler proponents/sellers say, and why they are either wrong or scamming you: "The heat creates a vacuum which draws wax from ears" FALSE. If you place an ear candle over a vacuum measuring machine you will see that NO vacuum is created. "You can see the ear wax that has come from the ear" FALSE. The wax has been tested many times, it is CANDLE wax. "It is perfectly safe" FALSE. The heat and wax often burn the victim and many people have been taken to hospital with burns, ear canal obstruction with candle wax and even perforated eardrums. It is illegal in the US to sell ear candles that make medical claims without FDA approval... which none of them have. Furthermore, ear candles cannot be legally sold in some countries like Canada, because they are a dangerous scam. Ear wax is an important part of your ear. "For most people, ear wax moves along the ear canal and eventually makes it to the outside, taking with it any accumulated dirt or other matter. Compacted ear wax should be removed by a physician or other health professional using legitimate instruments. Candling is both ineffective and dangerous."
I think you should go in Chicago, Illinois where my friend went there. Illinois Chicago School and Training of Feng Shui, Space Clearing and Ear Candling. They do individual services and give them a spac clearing to take out some karma in your body and even car. They are unique and reliable. Go for them. Their phone is 773-5888776. What Is Ear Candling? It is an alternative aide for ear health. It is a simple but effective home remedy. It involves the use of a hollow candle which resembles a straw coated with special wax. The small end of the candle is placed on the edge of a personĂ¢€™s ear and the large end is lit with a match. It is a non-medical procedure for ears. Why Use Ear Candling? It is merely used as a home remedy for your better health! It is not intended to be used for medical purposes or in place of proper medical attention. Does Ear Candling Hurt? There is absolutely no discomfort to the person receiving this technique. Most people enjoy the process and find it to be relaxing; some to the point of drifting off to sleep. This had been used for over 2500 years b.c.
I am from Nasville Tennesee and former friend had his ear Candling who was very deaf at the time done in Chicago. It was cured thru ear candling in one of the school in Chicago in 2005. The name of the school is illinois Chicago School of Ear Candling.
Alternative Medicine - 4 Answers
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I believe Illinois Chicago School and Training of Feng Shui , Space Clearing and Ear Candling at 3745 W. Monrose, Chicago, Il 60618. Their Tel. 773-588-8776. My parents went there and I do believe on Ear Candling. You will be amaza what is inside your ears. Ear Candling is not a scam and of course some medical practitioners will not accept this kind of practice.
Excuse me but there is no chance that deafness can be cured by ear candling. That is dangerous misinformation. From Wiki: "The Spokane Ear, Nose, and Throat Clinic conducted a research study in 1996 which concluded that ear candling does not produce negative pressure and was ineffective in removing wax from the ear canal.[2] Several studies have shown that ear candles produce the same residue when burnt without ear insertion and that the residue is simply candle wax and soot" "Prof. Edzard Ernst has published critically on the subject of ear candles noting that "There are no data to suggest that it is effective for any condition. Furthermore, ear candles have been associated with ear injuries. The inescapable conclusion is that ear candles do more harm than good. Their use should be discouraged" In the US, selling ear candles with medical claims is illegal. Why are you answering your own question?
Ear Candling does not work and is highly dangerous. Not only have Ear Candles have been proven in medical studies to be non-effective, the explanation of how they supposedly work is nonsense. What ear candler proponents/sellers say, and why they are either wrong or scamming you: "The heat creates a vacuum which draws wax from ears" FALSE. If you place an ear candle over a vacuum measuring machine you will see that NO vacuum is created. "You can see the ear wax that has come from the ear" FALSE. The wax has been tested many times, it is CANDLE wax. "It is perfectly safe" FALSE. The heat and wax often burn the victim and many people have been taken to hospital with burns, ear canal obstruction with candle wax and even perforated eardrums. It is illegal in the US to sell ear candles that make medical claims without FDA approval... which none of them have. Furthermore, ear candles cannot be legally sold in some countries like Canada, because they are a dangerous scam. Ear wax is an important part of your ear. "For most people, ear wax moves along the ear canal and eventually makes it to the outside, taking with it any accumulated dirt or other matter. Compacted ear wax should be removed by a physician or other health professional using legitimate instruments. Candling is both ineffective and dangerous."
I think you should go in Chicago, Illinois where my friend went there. Illinois Chicago School and Training of Feng Shui, Space Clearing and Ear Candling. They do individual services and give them a spac clearing to take out some karma in your body and even car. They are unique and reliable. Go for them. Their phone is 773-5888776. What Is Ear Candling? It is an alternative aide for ear health. It is a simple but effective home remedy. It involves the use of a hollow candle which resembles a straw coated with special wax. The small end of the candle is placed on the edge of a personĂ¢€™s ear and the large end is lit with a match. It is a non-medical procedure for ears. Why Use Ear Candling? It is merely used as a home remedy for your better health! It is not intended to be used for medical purposes or in place of proper medical attention. Does Ear Candling Hurt? There is absolutely no discomfort to the person receiving this technique. Most people enjoy the process and find it to be relaxing; some to the point of drifting off to sleep. This had been used for over 2500 years b.c.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Boarding schools in Chicago illinois?
Boarding schools in Chicago illinois?
I need all the names of boarding schools in chicago. They don't have to be privet boarding schools but if they are then they can be all girls schools. Please answer my question! My parents are wanting me to boarder school but i'm wanting it to be in chicago though.
Primary & Secondary Education - 1 Answers
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You've really made this tricky, there are very few boarding schools in the Midwest as it is, and you say it has to be all girls? And I'm pretty sure there is no such thing as a public boarding school - no state would fund that. haha unless it was some correctional facility. Here's the official list - good luck. http://www.boardingschoolreview.com/state/statename/Illinois/stateid/IL
I need all the names of boarding schools in chicago. They don't have to be privet boarding schools but if they are then they can be all girls schools. Please answer my question! My parents are wanting me to boarder school but i'm wanting it to be in chicago though.
Primary & Secondary Education - 1 Answers
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You've really made this tricky, there are very few boarding schools in the Midwest as it is, and you say it has to be all girls? And I'm pretty sure there is no such thing as a public boarding school - no state would fund that. haha unless it was some correctional facility. Here's the official list - good luck. http://www.boardingschoolreview.com/state/statename/Illinois/stateid/IL
Monday, January 10, 2011
Which is the better pre pharm/pharmacy school? University of Illinois- Chicago or University of Iowa?
Which is the better pre pharm/pharmacy school? University of Illinois- Chicago or University of Iowa?
Im a senior in high school, and got accepted to most of my choices, but narrowed it down to University of Iowa of UIC. Both have many pro's and con's and i cant decide. I decided on pharmacy, and both schools have a 6 year program. I live in Chicago, so UIC is only about a half hour away. Iowa would be more expensive, but i got $4000 off plus Fafsa money, so that will help a little. I visited Iowa and love it, but UIC would be cheaper and closer, and i would live at home. Another idea i thought about was going to Iowa for 2 years and getting my Pre Pharm done, then going to UIC pharm school. But im not sure if they will accept the credits or even accept me to their pharm school from Iowa. However, where will i get the better education/ future job? Any other thought about this i could use all the help! Thanks :)
Higher Education (University +) - 3 Answers
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According to this new rating, UIC is considered slightly better but both are considered very good.
For the current P-1 class at UIC, over 80% already have a bachelors. UIC does regularly accept students who did their pre-pharms at other schools. You'll have to use the transfer guide to determine the correct courses.
Im a senior in high school, and got accepted to most of my choices, but narrowed it down to University of Iowa of UIC. Both have many pro's and con's and i cant decide. I decided on pharmacy, and both schools have a 6 year program. I live in Chicago, so UIC is only about a half hour away. Iowa would be more expensive, but i got $4000 off plus Fafsa money, so that will help a little. I visited Iowa and love it, but UIC would be cheaper and closer, and i would live at home. Another idea i thought about was going to Iowa for 2 years and getting my Pre Pharm done, then going to UIC pharm school. But im not sure if they will accept the credits or even accept me to their pharm school from Iowa. However, where will i get the better education/ future job? Any other thought about this i could use all the help! Thanks :)
Higher Education (University +) - 3 Answers
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According to this new rating, UIC is considered slightly better but both are considered very good.
For the current P-1 class at UIC, over 80% already have a bachelors. UIC does regularly accept students who did their pre-pharms at other schools. You'll have to use the transfer guide to determine the correct courses.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
What Job can I get with my high school diploma? I'm in Chicago, Illinois?
What Job can I get with my high school diploma? I'm in Chicago, Illinois?
Other - Education - 3 Answers
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Enlisting in the military is a very wise thing to do especially in the current economy. If you don't want to "fight" enlist in the Air Force or Navy and if you want more physical action enlist in the Army or Marines.
It depends on what sort of experience you got in High School. I did a lot of IT work in High School and have been a very successful IT engineeress and web developer since leaving high school. I've been out of high school for 4 years, with no further education, and I have the ability to pull in 6 figures. If you didn't spend your time in high school wisely, ie no extra curriculars or volunteer work, then you'll probably be able to get a job in any fast food place or possibly a grocery store.
none, maybe in McDonald's. Obama stated that a high school diploma is not going to be good anymore that is why he is trying to make a two year college free like high school. He said that after the recession passes, jobs are not going to hire high schoolers but people with at least an Associate degree.
Other - Education - 3 Answers
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Enlisting in the military is a very wise thing to do especially in the current economy. If you don't want to "fight" enlist in the Air Force or Navy and if you want more physical action enlist in the Army or Marines.
It depends on what sort of experience you got in High School. I did a lot of IT work in High School and have been a very successful IT engineeress and web developer since leaving high school. I've been out of high school for 4 years, with no further education, and I have the ability to pull in 6 figures. If you didn't spend your time in high school wisely, ie no extra curriculars or volunteer work, then you'll probably be able to get a job in any fast food place or possibly a grocery store.
none, maybe in McDonald's. Obama stated that a high school diploma is not going to be good anymore that is why he is trying to make a two year college free like high school. He said that after the recession passes, jobs are not going to hire high schoolers but people with at least an Associate degree.
Monday, January 3, 2011
University of Illinois at Chicago grad school???
University of Illinois at Chicago grad school???
hi, I completed my undergrad at UCLA, but now looking to live outside of California...I'm interested in the MSW (master of social welfare) program at UIC but am worried about the out-of-state tuition. How expensive will UIC be? Is the program highly competitive/difficult to get into? I had a 3.2 gpa at UCLA (sociology major, applied developmental psych minor). How is the MSW program at UIC compared to the one at Chicago State University? I am only looking at public schools due to high out-of-state tuition costs. Any suggestions on neighborhoods/places to live would be appreciated too! thanks! :)
Higher Education (University +) - 3 Answers
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UIC is rather expensive for OOSers. The University of Illinois has a policy to have very high tuition for non-residents. Also, it is very hard to change residency status once you start. http://www.uic.edu/depts/oar/grad/tuition_grad/tuition_grad_fal08_spr09.html Semester tuition/fees looks like it'll run about $12,440 for OOSers. Chicago State U is a joke of a school. It is the worst public school in the state. They constantly have money problems. UIC trumps CSU is every category. The area around UIC is getting pricey. Some do find reasonable housing south in Pilsen.
UIC is expensive for out of staters, but the Jane Addam's program is nationally recognized, no one outside of Chicago has ever heard of Chicago State.
i did not know chicago state offers a kind of masters. but, the "uni" isn't exactly praised for it's academics. for that reason, go with UIC (uni of il at chicago) since is far the best for masters degrees in the area. BTW, compared to other grad schools, uic's tuition cost the practically the same amount per semester. heck, it could be even less than some grad schools. IDK what the other 2 answers were talking about uic being sooooooooooooo expensive.
hi, I completed my undergrad at UCLA, but now looking to live outside of California...I'm interested in the MSW (master of social welfare) program at UIC but am worried about the out-of-state tuition. How expensive will UIC be? Is the program highly competitive/difficult to get into? I had a 3.2 gpa at UCLA (sociology major, applied developmental psych minor). How is the MSW program at UIC compared to the one at Chicago State University? I am only looking at public schools due to high out-of-state tuition costs. Any suggestions on neighborhoods/places to live would be appreciated too! thanks! :)
Higher Education (University +) - 3 Answers
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UIC is rather expensive for OOSers. The University of Illinois has a policy to have very high tuition for non-residents. Also, it is very hard to change residency status once you start. http://www.uic.edu/depts/oar/grad/tuition_grad/tuition_grad_fal08_spr09.html Semester tuition/fees looks like it'll run about $12,440 for OOSers. Chicago State U is a joke of a school. It is the worst public school in the state. They constantly have money problems. UIC trumps CSU is every category. The area around UIC is getting pricey. Some do find reasonable housing south in Pilsen.
UIC is expensive for out of staters, but the Jane Addam's program is nationally recognized, no one outside of Chicago has ever heard of Chicago State.
i did not know chicago state offers a kind of masters. but, the "uni" isn't exactly praised for it's academics. for that reason, go with UIC (uni of il at chicago) since is far the best for masters degrees in the area. BTW, compared to other grad schools, uic's tuition cost the practically the same amount per semester. heck, it could be even less than some grad schools. IDK what the other 2 answers were talking about uic being sooooooooooooo expensive.
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Is University of Illinois-Chicago a good school? I want to be a nurse..?
Is University of Illinois-Chicago a good school? I want to be a nurse..?
my family doesn't have a lot of money and UIC is not too horribly expensive. also, i love where it is located because i love the city. i live about 30 minutes from the city so getting to school shouldn't be a problem.. i will just take the metra. sophomore or junior year i might live in a dorm if money permits. i am mostly concerned about the prestige of the school. is it a good school? is it marketable? i have a 3.4 GPA and a 28 ACT so i think i can get in.
Higher Education (University +) - 3 Answers
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I really think it is an excellent school. Good Career choice. ss
With that you could probably get into the main campus which is generally better. But if I remember correctly, it is the Chicago campus that does have a great Nursing program so go for it.
UIC has an excellent nursing program. UIC is a very good health science school. You should be accepted.
my family doesn't have a lot of money and UIC is not too horribly expensive. also, i love where it is located because i love the city. i live about 30 minutes from the city so getting to school shouldn't be a problem.. i will just take the metra. sophomore or junior year i might live in a dorm if money permits. i am mostly concerned about the prestige of the school. is it a good school? is it marketable? i have a 3.4 GPA and a 28 ACT so i think i can get in.
Higher Education (University +) - 3 Answers
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I really think it is an excellent school. Good Career choice. ss
With that you could probably get into the main campus which is generally better. But if I remember correctly, it is the Chicago campus that does have a great Nursing program so go for it.
UIC has an excellent nursing program. UIC is a very good health science school. You should be accepted.
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is the university of illinois at chicago a party school? i am thinking of attending this school and i would like to know if its a fun pla...